
"Nedrenaline!" New song by Brooklyn band 'Ned City Rockers'

Some members of The Red Barbers formed an ad hoc band this week, Ned City Rockers, in order to release their new anthem 'Nedrenaline!' to capture the spirit of the moment...

The song is here:


NEDRENALINE! (Paz/Benjoya)

In these ugly times full of shameless crimes it's so easy to give up
Our democracy's hypocrisy is disgustingly corrupt
In Connecticut there are patriots who are ready to erupt:

Ned Lamont - at last we have a voice
Ned Lamont - not a puppet but the people's choice!

Now Clueless Joe tried to steal the show playing that third party game
Though he was a whore voting for the war he won't accept a drop of blame
He would gladly pee on the DNC - has he got no sense of shame?

Ned Lamont - said it clear the war is wrong
Ned Lamont - while Lieberman just went along!

[guitar solo]

On the Senate floor a Senator should passionately resist
The will to kill of the spineless shill who can't tell everybody's pissed
Now's the hour truth speaks to power - does such a Democrat exist?

Ned Lamont - will spring the first surprise
Ned Lamont - against Republicans in disguise!

Roger Paz (vocals), Dave Benjoya (guitar), Ian McGlaughlin (bass). Backing vocals are Stephanie & Jessica.

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